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 November is a time we remind ourselves to be thankful, for the men and women who serve our country, for family and friends, and for a political system we have a voice in, I hope we can all keep thankfulness in our harts year round, supporting those who have and are serving our country, relishing our time with family and friends, and remembering that our voice does not end with our vote.  I hope this year to, at least monthly, remember to find a way to show support for those past and present members of the armed forces, show a loved one they are appreciated, and to share with my represenitives in government my concerns, priority’s, and views.
We are hearing that some members are having issues using there PTO days.  The guidelines for PTO use are posted in the OSEA Online folder, Click on Classified Bargaining Agreement & Salary Schedule then click on OSEA PTO MOU.pdf.  You only need to follow the guidelines, you do NOT need permission to use your PTO days. The only exception is the following;

      Personal time off days will not be used to extend winter and spring breaks, holiday weekends, holiday periods or vacation, nor can they be used on the first and last days of the contract year or the first or last student contact days of the year.  For exceptions to the days listed above, taking personal time off for extenuating circumstances will be considered upon request made to the principal or supervisor.

I hope to see many of you at our next chapter meeting November 13th.

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